EMR Electronic Medical Record Software also known as Electronic Medical Record or EHR Software. EMR Medical Records software help medical practise to save time, save money and improve quality of care by focusing patient medical records. This site aims to gives information, resources, and downloadable about Freeware EMR Electronic Medical Record Software

MediaVue | Electronic Medical Record System

MediaVue’s EMR Electronic Medical Record

This is no longer a problem with MediaVue’s electronic medical records (EMR) software. Listed below are some highlights of switching to our EMR software.

Increased access/efficiency
With MediaVue’s EMR, patient information is immediately accessible, which can save every doctor time by not having to wait for charts to be delivered.

MediaVue’s EMR can be configured to restrict access to certain areas of the medical record or to have multiple levels for office personnel that are restricted based on job function.

Improved Documentation
Test and lab results, EKGs and X-rays can all be entered automatically into our EMR thus reducing the risk of data entry errors or missing the information altogether.

Quality of Care
Our EMR can also be used to track patient follow-up activity, patient compliance, and patient progress.

Increased Resources
By switching to our EMR you will no longer have a need for those huge filing cabinets.

Download MediaVue Electronic Medical Record System