EMR Electronic Medical Record Software also known as Electronic Medical Record or EHR Software. EMR Medical Records software help medical practise to save time, save money and improve quality of care by focusing patient medical records. This site aims to gives information, resources, and downloadable about Freeware EMR Electronic Medical Record Software

Doctors Choice EMR | Surgery EMR

Doctors Choice EMR

Medical Records Archive
Past medical / surgical records histories automatically drop into a new visit
44 item user security profile
Tracks all documentation criteria, printing, archiving, prescriptions, discharges, medication orders by user passwords.
Physicians and Nurses can be documenting on same patient from different workstations simultaneously
Assign Midlevel and Resident profiles to require attending note prior to archiving records
Record and print EMTALA required patient transfer forms
Permanent Medical Records Archive can’t be changed

Download Doctors Choice EMR