ComChart Electronic Medical Records / EMR
ComChart is the electronic medical record (EMR) that has the capacity to facility your ability to accurately and comprehensively document the patient medical record encounter with as little as a single click.
ComChart helps make the transition to a paper-less office a reality. Since 1991, ComChart has been designed, refined and tested in the office of a practicing physician whose philosophy is that a physician’s medical records is a reflection of their own practice style. Whereas most EMRs force physicians to maintain their medical records in a format that conforms to the EMR software, ComChart is flexible, infinitely customizable and guarantees that it can be tailored to accurately meet the needs of your practice.
To learn more about ComChart, click on the button "Virtual Tour" which is located below. Now that academic studies have proven that EMRs are cost effective, there is no reason to delay incorporating ComChart EMR into your office practice. Among many other features, ComChart can: Store you patient’s record on a Palm PDA. Write notes on the PDA which then go into ComChart EMR.
ComChart is the only comprehensive EMR that gives you the option to modify the source code. ComChart can be used with the Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows operating systems. ComChart provides a money back guarantee that it is the most customizable and flexible EMR on the market. ComChart is HIPAA compliant.
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