EMR Electronic Medical Record Software also known as Electronic Medical Record or EHR Software. EMR Medical Records software help medical practise to save time, save money and improve quality of care by focusing patient medical records. This site aims to gives information, resources, and downloadable about Freeware EMR Electronic Medical Record Software

Ajexus | Download Electronic Medical Records

Electronic Medical Records Software > Ajexus EMR

Ajexus is Powerful EMR Software

Ajexus EMR is a configurable administrative, clinical, patient management system and electronic medical records software.Ajexus is highly flexible with the type of medical information recorded controlled by data dictionary.

How does Electronic Medical Records Software Ajexus deliver these benefits?

For your patients:
Revolves around episodes of medical care
Builds an electronic medical records
Improves quality of medical care

For your clinicians:
Assists decision making through easier access to information
Able to schedule and medical record clinical activities
Consolidates electronic medical records data for audit

Download Electronic Medical Records Software > Ajexus